七転び八起き | Fall down 7 times get up 8


Nanakorobi yaoki | Fall down 7 times get up 8

Fall down 7 times get up 8, what? Fall down 7 times, stand up 7 times…right? So is someone bad at math or is there more here?

To my mind, inherit in that phrase is that there will be another fall, expect the 8th fall even though it hasn’t come, you already have committed to accepting it and moving past it. That’s how determined you should be, failure is nothing more than proof you are trying.


Daitoryu Aiki-jujutsu Tora Dojo located at 5 West Passaic Street, Rochelle Park, NJ
For more info please email us @ info@daitoryu.org


One of my favorite sayings…

“When your bow is broken and your last arrow spent, then shoot, shoot with your whole heart.” —Roger Zelazny

To me this is about courage, not the absence of fear but rather the strength to move forward in the presence of fear as it surrounds you.

I believe it’s also a comment on being a martial artist at your core, not because you put on fancy pajamas and swing a weapon around in some prearranged pattern but that you’ve internalized your martial art so completely that you’ve blurred the line between where you end and the martial artist begins.



Daitoryu Aiki-jujutsu Tora Dojo located at 5 West Passaic Street, Rochelle Park, NJ
For more info please email us @ info@daitoryu.org


だるま押 | Daruma-osae

10562606_746875032039390_8517846430611661774_oThis pin is called Daruma-osae

I often remind my students that in separating Japanese culture from Japanese martial arts something gets lost, I understand it’s difficult to grasp some of the references but it’s up to us to research, question and understand in order to gain a better understanding. 

One case I use is daruma-osae, the name of the waza informs more than its shape but also its functionality. Daruma are made of papier-mâché, are round in shape, are hollow with a weighted bottom so that they return to an upright position when tilted over, this gives us a picture of the end result of this pin. Not only does the opponent not have use of his arms because they are pinned, one under him the other tucked behind his back but he’s positioned into a round shape like the daruma doll. The opponent’s weight is forced down and under him making the pin effective, much like the weight at the bottom of the daruma which helps it stand upright after being tipped over.

Of course, the waza can be taught without the reference but the reference serves as an illustration of the desired result and some of the mechanics of the pin. This helps drive home the waza via a very common reference point for a Japanese student but for a non-Japanese student it becomes both a martial and a cultural lesson.


For more on the Daruma doll, look here.



Daitoryu Aiki-jujutsu Tora Dojo located at 5 West Passaic Street, Rochelle Park, NJ
For more info please email us @ info@daitoryu.org

鷹の爪 | Eagle’s Talons

Taka no Tsume | Eagle’s Talons

I’ve heard this term more than a few times while training in Daito-ryu, at first I was focused on the shape that the hand makes but later I became fascinated with the focus the grip put on locking down whatever the hand came to grab (ie: a wrist or lapel). Also, I enjoyed its cool kung-fu like name!

The grip itself is very effective because of the amount of pressure the grip can create. It bears a lot similarity to the grip used in ken-jutsu because it’s the same, using the pinky through the middle finger to create the grip with the thumb directly opposite to those three fingers. You can use the underside of the index knuckle in the base of the grip to make either the sankajo or yonkajo tsukami particularly painful by applying pressure to the nerve that runs along the forearm. When grabbing the wrist, one can use a small amount of rotation to pronate & supernate the ulna & radius which affords you a good deal of control.



Daitoryu Aiki-jujutsu Tora Dojo located at 5 West Passaic Street, Rochelle Park, NJ
For more info please email us @ info@daitoryu.org

The importance of breakfalls/ukemi


Breakfalling/Ukemi is an important skill set, it not only keeps you safe but allows your partner to work his/her technique and gain confidence in the technique.

Ukemi also requires trust and breaks the uke of the fear associated with being thrown. Tori or Nage has the responsibility of executing technique not only based on their own skill level but must take into account the skill level of the Uke. In this way both practitioners get something from the practice.


Daitoryu Aiki-jujutsu Tora Dojo located at 5 West Passaic Street, Rochelle Park, NJ
For more info please email us @ info@daitoryu.org


Daito-ryu humor

One of our Daito-ryu Tora Dojo members, Dan Madia, is a really talented illustrator/animator who also happens to have a great sense of humor.
Please visit danmadia.com for more of his work.

aiki v jutsu 4




aiki age sage yoko


Daitoryu Aiki-jujutsu Tora Dojo located at 5 West Passaic Street, Rochelle Park, NJ
For more info please email us @ info@daitoryu.org

Kagami Biraki 2015

虎道場 鏡開き 2015 • Tora Dojo Kagami Biraki 2015
Some pics for the Daito-ryu Tora Dojo performance at this year’s Kagami Biraki, our last Kagami Biraki was in 2005, 10 years ago! A tradition we will not let slip again.

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Daitoryu Aiki-jujutsu Tora Dojo located at 5 West Passaic Street, Rochelle Park, NJ
For more info please email us @ info@daitoryu.org